Jobs Growth Wales+ (employability programme) – Adroddiad Blynyddol | Annual Report
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Sector report

Jobs Growth Wales+ (employability programme)




Work-based learning providers operating across 4 regional partnerships



No. of all learners

This recently introduced provision aimed at helping 16 to 19-year-olds gain employment or engage in training has been collaboratively established across Wales. Whilst the delivery of centre-based sessions was strong in 2022-2023, overall, learners did not benefit sufficiently from real work experience as part of their programmes and enrolment onto these programmes remain low.

Key findings and messages from our review of Jobs Growth Wales+

Providers delivered programmes well with tutors skilfully using a wide range of good quality teaching and learning materials. Most participants accessed strong personal support from their tutors and, in many cases, this helped them remain on-programme and make progress towards their goals. However, even when appropriate, too few participants were accessing meaningful work-experience.

Inspectors found that providers needed to consider how they might better engage and support employers across their regions with a view to increasing opportunities for participants. Going forward, providers should further develop their links with local communities to engage suitable groups of potential participants and employers who have limited or no engagement with the programme.

Across the Jobs Growth Wales+ provision, the number of participants was lower than expected. Recruitment via Working Wales had not resulted in the anticipated numbers and consequently providers had taken on responsibility for direct recruitment to ensure programme viability.

The Welsh Government and key stakeholders need to do more to collect and share timely information relating to young people not in education, employment or training. This data should include programme enrolment targets, actual enrolment figures and participant outcomes.
