Effective quality assurance processes at Canolfan Addysg Nant-y-Bryniau
The teacher-in-charge has established a robust system of quality assurance processes. These include learning walks, book scrutiny and weekly forensic monitoring of the mental health functioning in education (MHFE) tracking tool for each pupil. As a result, leaders have a precise understanding of the PRU’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Leaders promote a strong culture of reflection and collaboration, which supports staff to evaluate their practice and identify how they can make improvements.
Staff roles and responsibilities are distributed highly effectively to make best use of individual skills across the PRU. Teachers and support staff take responsibility for different aspects of the work of the PRU, for example, areas of learning and experience, trauma-informed approaches, therapeutic work with health colleagues, and developing pupils’ Welsh language skills. This means that all staff have a clear sense of working together to drive improvement.