Gloves in the gym project
‘It’s not just for the boys which is good’
Gloves in the gym is a physical activity-based project with the aims of increasing health and well-being through engaging in positive sporting activities, challenging negative behaviours and building confidence and self-esteem, along with raising awareness of being an active member of their community. The project runs seven bespoke sessions a week across various schools and community settings in the Vale of Glamorgan. The team of staff deliver referral-based sessions in mainstream schools, through the medium of Welsh and English, to the Resource Base at Whitmore for young people with additional learning needs, and a Wellbeing After-School Club and community-based open access sessions for positive leisure time in the evenings. In addition to this, the Gloves in the Gym project delivers activities at all community events run by the Vale Youth Service, along with offering targeted support within the education directorate whether these are one-to-one or group-based sessions.