Promoting pupils’ ambition and commitment at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd, Bridgend
The approaches adopted by Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd contribute significantly to pupils’ enjoyment of coming to school. The way most pupils espouse the characteristics of ‘Dysgwyr Llan’, which are ‘successful, leading and powerful’, is a strength. In lessons, pupils cultivate the mentality of being successful individuals; nearly all pupils are punctual to lessons and attendance, including among those who qualify for free school meals, is above the national rate.
Friday afternoon clubs give Year 7 to Year 9 pupils opportunities to build relationships with each other and to enjoy socialising. This has contributed to improvements in attitudes to learning as well as overall attendance. The school uses assemblies to update pupils about class attendance levels over the preceding six weeks. This stimulates a positive, competitive response among the pupils and motivates them to improve further.
In response to the additional challenges posed by the pandemic, staff members have developed a successful system to track and improve attendance. Effective collaboration with the local authority’s education and welfare officer, in combination with the work of the recently appointed family liaison officer, ensures a quick and effective response to absences.