Understanding children’s individual needs at Meadowbank Day Nursery, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire – Adroddiad Blynyddol | Annual Report
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Understanding children’s individual needs at Meadowbank Day Nursery, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire

Practitioners have extensive knowledge of children’s individual needs. They carry out observations as part of the daily session and use the information gathered to inform their planning and the next steps in children’s individual learning. Practitioners have an excellent understanding of every child’s needs, including those with emerging or additional learning needs. The Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) provides effective advice and leadership on all issues relating to ALN. Practitioners make excellent use of the links formed with specialist services such as the local authority’s Early Years ALN Lead Officer and speech and language professionals. Practitioners engage very well with parents when identifying children’s individual targets and reviewing their progress.