![A young pupil colouring in](https://annual-report.estyn.gov.wales/app/uploads/2022/08/BPF-ESP-15.jpg)
Additional learning needs reform
This page provides a summary of the key messages relating to additional learning needs reform during the academic year 2021-22. Click on the arrows for more details.
What’s going well
- Generally, members of staff that lead on ALN have a good understanding of the requirements of the reform.
- Support for ALN from local authorities and regional consortia in terms of professional learning and the establishment of new statutory roles, has been useful and well received by providers.
- Nearly all providers have begun to identify learners in need of specialised additional support and mapped out universal provision for others.
- Nearly all providers have begun to implement key elements of ALN reform, such as person-centred practices, individual development plans and one page profiles.
What needs to improve
- The understanding of individual members of staff about their responsibility in supporting pupils with ALN is variable.
- The availability of Welshmedium resources to support pupils with ALN is limited.
- The uncertainty regarding the future impartiality of advice and guidance for learners in special schools when considering their post-16 options.