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Adult learners studying

Adult Learning in the Community

This page provides a summary of the key messages from our work in the sector during the academic year 2021-22. Click on the arrows for details of what’s going well and what needs to improve, along with links to resources for providers.

What’s going well

  • Partnerships generally provide courses that are tailored well to learners with a range of learning needs or who have had interrupted, disrupted or unhappy previous experiences of formal education. 
  • Tutors provide useful individual learning support to meet their learners’ needs.
  • In planning provision, most providers take into account the need to re-engage learners following the pandemic and recognise that learners and those considering enrolling onto classes may have lost confidence during the pandemic.

What needs to improve

  • Not all partnerships have well-developed websites and learners say that finding information about courses is not always straightforward.

What’s going well

  • The quality of teaching is generally sound.
  • Tutors plan and deliver their sessions well and develop strong professional relationships with their learners.
  • In general, partnerships offer a range of provision, which aligns appropriately to Welsh Government priorities. 

What needs to improve

  • Partnerships do not always plan their provision with partners well enough to ensure that learners have clear progression pathways within the provision or on to further or higher-level studies or training.
  • Not all partnerships provide sufficient opportunities for Welsh-speaking learners to participate in adult learning in the community through bilingual or Welsh-speaking sessions.

What’s going well

  • A few partnerships are making strong progress towards developing larger regional partnerships.

What needs to improve