Question 1Do teachers ask you what you would like to learn about? Can you give examples?

What is this?

Every year, the Chief Inspector of schools in Wales writes a report on what inspectors have found when we inspect schools and other education providers.

This site includes resources that pupil groups or School Councils can use to discuss specific topics or to think about how effective they are in their work.

We have worked with pupils in secondary schools to gather their ideas on the principles of effective School Councils or pupil groups. Have a look to see if you agree with their ideas. Does your Council/group do these things? Do these need to be adapted for primary schools? Link to Principles

We have chosen a few topics that have come up in the Annual Report that we think pupils would find interesting to discuss. Remember to download the forms to make a note of your ideas and actions.

How to use

Move through the school sideways using either the scrollbar or left/right arrow keys on your keyboard

When you see a big question mark symbol, click on it to reveal a question. Discuss the question amongst yourselves.

What should we discuss?

Do we learn enough about Welsh history, including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic history, identity and culture?

Why should we discuss this?

When inspecting, we have found that pupils, when given the opportunity, enjoy learning about Welsh history and about the history, identity and culture of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people. However, in the majority of schools pupils do not know very much about the history of their local area or Wales. In most schools, pupils don't know much about the history of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people and communities, particularly in Wales. What happens in your school?


There is a form for you to make notes. Click ‘Download Documents’ to see this.


Question 1

What do you know about the history of your local area? Is this enough? What would you like to learn more about?


Question 2

What do you know about the history of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic peoples and communities? Is this enough? What would you like to learn more about?


Question 3

What do you know about the contribution of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic peoples and communities to Wales? Is this enough?


Question 4

What could you do as a School Council to improve pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic peoples and communities, and their contribution to Wales?


Question 5

What do you know about the history of Wales? Do you learn enough about Wales? What would you like to learn more about?


Question 6

What could you do as a School Council to improve pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the history of your local area and Wales?


Question 7

How do you develop your understanding of anti-racism and diversity in school? As a School Council, what could you do to promote these aspects?


Question 8

What do you do in school that helps you to become ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world? Think about everything you do in school, not just in lessons.


What can you do next?

  • Create a survey to see what pupils think about this topic.
  • Talk to your teachers about the texts that you study. Do these represent Wales and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic peoples and communities?
  • Consider what you could do to learn more about your local community – e.g. visit the library, talk to people who have lived in the area for a long time, visit local landmarks.